Open Mind

Re: Verse reading – Luke 24:13-35 (day four) 
Wouldn’t you like to have been in on that bible study!  As the two men were walking and talking, Jesus joined them.  He began a process of teaching them the Word of God.  He explained the scriptures to them so they could understand.  Later, in the closed room with His disciples, verse 45 says, “Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures”.  Jesus will do the same for you and me.  He will open our minds, through the Holy Spirit, so that we can understand God’s Word.  God does not want His Word to be a puzzle to us…He wants us to clearly understand.  How often do we depend on our own resources though to ‘figure it out’?  God stands ready to open our mind to understand the Scriptures…all we have to do is ask.  We may also run back seven miles in order to tell someone else what we now understand.

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Author: Larry Soape

Larry Soape is the Associate Pastor for Median & Senior Adults, and Missions at FBCSA.

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