Re: Verse reading – Luke 19:1-10 (day seven)
Do we seek the lost? It is easy (even logical) to sacrifice the lost sheep in order to keep the 99 safe. Makes sense to us. Not to Jesus. (Luke 15) Jesus said the he came to “seek and to save that which was lost.” ( v 10) Lost people were His priority. To prove it He risked the approval of the majority in order to rescue one isolated sinner (Zaccheus) It required courage. Attention to opportunity. A steady denial of personal safety or popularity as God’s goal. Seekers of the lost go into crowds looking for that “one” whose heart has been prepared for salvation. The woman at the well. . . Zaccheus. . .the woman with the issue of blood. Jesus didn’t see crowds. He saw individuals. Do we? Every SS class, every choral group, every circle of 6? “Sick people are the ones who need Doctors” (Mark 2:17 – Guthrie translation) Same idea. Lost people are the priority. God help us.
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