40 Days of Prayer – New Year

In 2 Samuel 5:19, the Bible says that David “inquired of the Lord” re a military decision.  It was his pattern to seek and to follow the Lord’s guidance.  Perhaps the best explanation for his unique success.  In order to say,”The Lord is my shepherd” one must have a seeking and surrendered heart.

Day 37 – Will you ask the Lord for His guidance re. 2014?

On January 18 leaders and members of FBC will gather for our annual Strategic Planning Saturday.  We will ask the Lord to guide us.  What new ministries and innovations are we to embrace?  What familiar ideas/patterns is He ready for us to retire? What is His path of blessing for us?  But what of our individual lives?  Don’t we all need to ask the same questions privately?   “What shall I do, Lord?”  (Acts 22:10)  As the new year approaches, will you hold your life before the Lord in quiet surrender?  Take time with this assignment.  Be still!   A new year begins with a renewed heart and a clear grasp of God’s assignment.  “Then Jesus was lead by the Spirit.” (Luke 4:1) Will you ask God to guide you in the same powerful way?

RE Verse reading – Luke 13:10-17 (day seven)


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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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