Our Re: Verse passage this week is Luke 13:10-17. Jesus confronts a situation that seems impossible. A lady has been sick for 18 years and was even physically deformed from the disease. The inference is that she has suffered greatly and no one had been able to provide relief. Jesus often does the ‘impossible’. We look at a situation and believe it to be completely impossible…God looks at the same situation and He sees it as an opportunity. He is wanting His children to act in faith and look to Him for the provision. Do your prayers reflect His limitless resource and power? What about when we face things like very expensive building programs?
Day 34 – Pray for God to direct our planning in our building program and then, to provide the resources for its completion.
When we attempt things for God that are only within our resources, we get the glory. When we trust God for the ‘impossible’, the world recognizes His provision and He (God) gets the glory! Verse 17 says, “and the entire crowd was rejoicing over all the glorious things being done by Him.”
Re: Verse reading–Luke 13:10-17 (day four)
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