It shocks us to think it, but at the time Jesus was born, His family had no place to stay. When labor pains started, the best they could do was to seek shelter in a stable.
Day 16 – Will you pray for the homeless?
Later in the Savior’s life, it will be true again. “The Son of Man has no where to lay His head.” Never, however, an excuse for an undisciplined, godless life. Just the opposite. Jesus used the absence of things as an opportunity to press into the Father. “Do not worry about what you will eat, or what you will wear.” This is our prayer for every person who faces the challenge of homelessness. NOT that physical need might be minimized, NOR that our responsibility to help be abated, BUT THAT Spiritual life may been seen as the true need of the human soul. Rich or poor. How can people hope for Spiritual life if no one prays? So, will you pray? And will you support efforts to provide food and shelter and spiritual encouragement for those without it? Seems like the right thing for Christians to do at Christmas.
RE Verse reading–Luke 7: 1-17 (Day 6)
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