It is the strategy of our enemy–to divide the people of God. And one of the easiest fault- lines is the “generation gap”. Sometimes it is about worship style. Always it is about relationship and trust.
Day 10. Will you pray for young adults in the FBC family?
(Yesterday we prayed for Senior Adults)
Their participation is vital to the success of our mission. Peter said it. “You younger men, likewise, be subject to your elders.” (1 Peter 5:5) Stay connected and humble! Don’t break away in frustration or impatience! Malachi predicted the same work of God. “Before the great and terrible day of the Lord, He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children AND the hearts of the children to their fathers. (Malachi 4:6) Will you pray for the remarkable young leaders of FBC? Will you pray for the team that will guide the search for the next Minister to Young Married Adults? Will ask God to bless these young adults (both married and single), their jobs and health and witness?
Re: Verse reading – Luke 5:12-26 (Day seven)
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