40 Days of Prayer – For people to be saved

However you imagine the balance between sovereignty of God and the responsibility of man, whether Calvinist or Armenian, one thing is certain.  Prayer is powerful with God,  powerful in the salvation of those who separated from God and empty of eternal LIFE.

Day 4 – Will you pray for People to be saved?
“My heart’s desire and my prayer to God for them is for their salvation” says Paul in Romans 10:1.  Jesus saw the same opportunity.  “Beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.”  (Matthew 9:38)  Apparently, the prayers of the people of God have a huge effect on the “divine opportunities” that come our way.  A prepared witness + an open heart = faith = salvation!    So, will you?  Will you TAKE 5 MINUTES to pray for people who do not “see” the spiritual realities of this universe?  Linger here.  Pray for the Lord to send you into the harvest.  “What man among you, if he has 100 sheep and has lost one of them, does not leave the 99 and go after the one which is lost?  (Jesus – Luke 15:4)  Will you pray?

Re: Verse reading – Luke 5:12-26.  (First day, new series of studies in the book of Luke)

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

0 thoughts on “40 Days of Prayer – For people to be saved”

  1. I am neither Calvinist or Armenian. I am a Christian… in the 1 Cor 1 style of “is Christ divided?”… I mean.

    However, along that same thought, it is Biblical/right to attempt to focus on things around which believers can find unity and, for me, prayer is one of them. Thank you for your efforts to unite FBC in this way.

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