Re: Verse reading–1 Peter 4:12-19; 5:1-11 (day two)
Therefore, I exhort the elders among you…shepherd the flock of God among….voluntarily….with eagerness…providing examples to the flock. 1 Peter 5:1-3
What amazing comfort it is to be led and loved by one who is familiar and acquainted with sorrow. Peter is encouraging those who have walked the path of pain to be a lighthouse for those who have just begun to encounter suffering. This is not an absolution from pain, but a reminder to us that it is guaranteed part of the journey. Peter is wisely admonishing a structure in the life of the church that will ensure no one will suffer without being able to look to the faithful leadership of the saints who have persevered. I am grateful today that I serve a church that values the wisdom of those who are much farther along the path than I.
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