Re: Verse reading–1 Peter 1:1-12 (day four)
Peter writes of a living hope…through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. One of the greatest promises we have in scripture is also found in our passage this week. Verse 4 says that our inheritance in heaven is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away. The last phrase of verse 4 says, it is reserved in heaven for you…reserved…reserved and protected by the power of God through faith! Our salvation is reserved, sealed, protected, and promised by the power of God. In Baptist circles, we call this doctrine ‘once saved always saved.’ What a freeing promise! We do not have to earn our salvation…our living hope…every day. We cannot lose our salvation. We receive it through the work of Jesus by faith and it is protected by the power of God. Romans 8:39 says, “nothing can separate us from the love of God.” Thank you God for this enduring promise!
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