Re:Verse reading-Hebrews 12:25-29; 13:1-9, 20-21 (day two)
“Let the love of the brethren continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.” Sounds like quite a dinner party doesn’t it? As I re-read this text I am convicted that this has less to do with some overt act of benevolence as it does understanding the nature of humanity. We all have the privilege of bearing the image of God, it is simply a truth of how we were made. Regardless of the vile corrupt nature of our hearts, we were all made to reflect the beauty of God’s image. Therefore, it comes down to Christ’s greatest command, “Love”. We do not love because others think like us, or act a certain way, have the means to help us, or vote like us, no, it is more grand than any of those reasons. It is because they bear the image of Christ, and whether or not they acknowledge that truth does not absolve us from understandings God’s great design for us all. Think on this as you meet someone today, you are meeting more than an angel. You are meeting an image-bearer.
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