Re: Verse Reading–Hebrews 5:11-14; 6:1-12 (day six)
“By this time you ought to be teachers, (but) you have need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles of. . . God.” (v 5:12) One factor that God uses in His righteous judgment is to compare what we are with what we could have been.” Provision compared to progress. To whom much is given. . .When God provides resources and time and teachers and pastors, He expects a return on His investment. What return? Progress in faith so that we, ourselves, become the teachers of the next generation of new/growing believers. It is ungrateful to do otherwise. Perpetual infancy, extended irresponsibility is evidence of a heart that receives the grace of God without embracing the purpose of God. We become land (see 6:7) that drinks in the rain but never bothers to bear fruit. Such ground is close to being cursed and WILL BE burned. What an ungrateful (and dangerous) way for a believer to live!
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