Re: Verse reading–Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:1-10 (day five)
Verse 16 – Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, Let me make sure I read this correctly. We are encouraged to approach the Holy Throne of the Living God with “confidence”? How is that possible? Is there ever a time we could approach the throne and not have a need or issue of some sort? So the big question is… Where does confidence come from?
It comes from a heart that believes seated on the throne is someone much wiser and much bigger (full of infinite resources). Confidence comes from a heart convinced that seated on the Throne is someone who desires to engage and guide. Confidence comes from the promises at the end of verse 16: “discovery and take-a-way” (find grace, receive mercy). It comes from the testimony of others’ experiences with the same Good God (Psalm 118, 1 Timothy 1:12-16).
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