Re: Verse reading – Hebrews 1:1-2:4 (day 5)
“He has spoken to us by His Son” (1:2). Words are powerful. His “I’m proud of you, son” anchored my heart against the tumult of difficulty and failure. Her “yes” to my marriage proposal hurled me into a whole new way of life. His “welcome home” opened a wide door of ministry in a new city. His “can I pray, Dad?” gave me a glimpse of the lifetime that is at stake in quiet moments we share as a family. Words are powerful. They shape identity, define relationships, propel progress and create hope. If words spoken between two human beings can carry this life-shaping power, how much more is contained in the Word of the Infinite, Mysterious Divine One? “We must therefore pay even more attention to what we have heard…” (2:1). “Even more attention” seems to be a bit of an understatement! If the Divine has indeed spoken, then we must pay the utmost attention to that Word.
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