RE Verse reading–1 Corinthians 15 (day six) “Behold, I tell you a mystery;. . . we will all be changed. . . in the twinkling of an eye. . .the last trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised imperishable.” (v 51-52) Mystery is the Bible’s word for something we know via the revelation of God. We know because He has promised, not because we can imagine it or figure out how it works. Resurrection is one example. Will we be young? Will we look like ourselves? Will our friends recognize us? (I believe the answer is “yes”. When Moses returns in the transfiguration story, he is immediately recognized–see Matthew 18) What we don’t want to do is limit our confidence in this promise simply because it is beyond our imagination or logic. We trust the promise because we trust the Promiser. “I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I’ve committed unto Him against that day.”
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