Last moments and best

Re: Verse reading–Genesis 47:27-31, 48:1-2,8-19, 49:33, 50:1-6 (day seven)
“Then Israel bowed in worship at the head of the bed.”  (47:31)  By now they are regularly calling him Israel.  Jacob was his old name.  It meant “cheat or schemer”.  Years of learning the mercy of a sovereign God have now given him a new heart and a new name.  Israel meant “God- conquered” (sarah=to struggle, el=God)  See Genesis 32 for this amazing turning-point story.  As Jacob struggled with the God of grace, he was conquered by Love.  He became a new man.  Now at the end of life, his new natures shines.  He is calm, trusting.  He sees the future with hope and confidence.  He worships God (at a time when many are tempted to become distracted and self-absorbed).  Strange irony.  Jacob was never more ALIVE than on the day of his DEATH.  Will this be true of me?  You?  Will your last moments be your best, the highest expression of a life changed by God?

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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