Re: Verse reading–Genesis 47:27-31; 48:1-2,8-19; 49:33; 50:1-6 (day one)
Jac0b is 147 years old. He has learned much. God has been patient with this scoundrel turned saint. Now he has one final wish. “I want to be buried in the land that God promised my fathers”, he tells his son Joseph. I want a memorial service that will remind my family what I believe and my hope for the future–that God will eventually return the sons of Israel to Canaan and fulfill the promise made to Abraham. Sadly, our generation regards a “last will and testament” as having mainly to do with money. For Jacob it was more. It was one last opportunity to declare his faith in God and to encourage his family toward it. Joseph would later follow his example. (Genesis 50:25) What about you? Are you using every opportunity to clearly communicate your faith in God to your family. In life? In death? What is in your last will and testament?
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