God’s Plan

Re: Verse reading–Genesis 41:25-57; 45:4-8 (Day four)
God was about to do something in Egypt.  Twice He told Pharaoh what his plan was, but Pharaoh could not hear God’s voice.  Without a relationship with Him, Pharaoh’s hearing was ineffective.  God often makes His message plain for all to see, but only those in relationship with Him have the ability to understand.  Joseph had trusted in the Lord through many hardships.  His relationship with the Lord had stood the test of time.  The message was certain…when God speaks, He always is true to His word.  Twice He had given Pharaoh the same message.  It was for this purpose that God had sent Joseph to Egypt many years before.  Joseph would not only organize the preservation of Egypt, but he would also provide for his own people.  It was the fulfillment of the prophetic dream given to Joseph as a young boy.  It was God’s call in his life.  God has a plan for your life…can you hear it?

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Author: Larry Soape

Larry Soape is the Associate Pastor for Median & Senior Adults, and Missions at FBCSA.

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