True Freedom

Re: Verse reading–Ruth 1:1-19a (day four)
Today is Independence Day.  To live in freedom is a great blessing.  Freedom is the opposite of oppression or enslavement.  There are many things that can oppress us in life…Naomi and Ruth were oppressed by their circumstances.  The culture of the day dictated how they could survive financially after the death of their husbands.  God provided for their needs and brought freedom.  To follow the blessing to the final result, Ruth and Boaz had a son who carried on the lineage leading to the birth of King David and ultimately the Savior.  What is it that has you enslaved?  Is it sin?  Is it a difficult relationship?  Is it a financial need?  Is it the circumstances of your life or the culture surrounding you?  There is freedom in Christ.  Just as Ruth placed her life in the hands of Boaz, we can place our lives in the hands of Christ.  The freedom He brings is true freedom.

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Author: Larry Soape

Larry Soape is the Associate Pastor for Median & Senior Adults, and Missions at FBCSA.

0 thoughts on “True Freedom”

  1. Father, thank you for all those who paid a price so that we might be free and especially for our Lord who paid the price that we might be truly free.

    It is this true freedom we desire for our nation. Give us wisdom to know what You would have us do so that others might be truly free. Amen.

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