RE Verse Reading–Genesis 24:34-67 (day two)
“’Will you go with this man?’ She replied, ‘I will go.’” (Genesis 24:58-59). A marriage vow is either a preposterous assumption about what the future holds or a powerful declaration of faith in the One who holds the future. For Rebekah, it was the latter. Marriage in any age is an act of faith. Consider the promises: to remain faithful to someone whom you’ve only known for a limited time and in limited conditions, to care for someone who may not be willing or able to return care to you and to join your life to someone who may act foolishly or not at all. Despite the romantic declarations of an engaged couple, it is not faith in their future spouse that justifies a lifelong vow. It is faith in the one who answers prayers prayed only “in the heart” (Genesis 24:45). Is marriage to be avoided because of the certain uncertainty that accompanies it? No! It is a cowardly, selfish and unbelieving generation who avoids marriage. While not to be entered “unadvisedly,” marriage ought to be entered…and entered faith-full-ly.
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