Where Do You Live?

Re: Verse reading–Psalm 91 (day two)
“The one who lives under the protection of the Most High dwells in the shadow of the Almighty” (Ps. 91:1). Where do you live? Throughout the Bible, God is described as a refuge, a fortress, a strong tower, strong embracing arms, a rock, a shield, a rear guard, a shelter, a place of safety, a protective covering. He meets people in a tent, a Temple, a cave, a threshing floor, the belly of a fish, a campsite and a prayer room. The metaphor of a dwelling place is so important that the apostle John would write, “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…” (John 1:14). Dwelling with God is what we were created for. Under His authority and protection, we find refuge. Living there requires humble, submissive trust (91:2). We are free to choose where to live. However, if we choose not to live under His authority and protection, we will discover ourselves living under His judgment and wrath. Where do you live?

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