Re:Verse reading–Psalm 34 (day two)
“Taste and see that the LORD is good” (34:8). It was a taste that got us into this mess. “She took some of its fruit and ate it…” (Genesis 3:6). Our first parents, Adam and Eve, had tastes that were designed to be satisfied by God Himself but willfully turned their tastes in another direction. They ate it, and like a deadly poison it worked death in them. Now, taste can turn into addiction so quickly that a person can be all but choked to death and not even know it. Food, social media, popularity, alcohol, authority, sex, influence, leisure…how often does taste lead to addiction, and addiction lead to death, relationally, emotionally and even physically? It was taste that got us into this mess, and it will be taste that gets us out. “I am the bread of life…if anyone eats this bread he will live forever” (John 6:35, 51). Willfully turning our taste to Jesus redeems not only our sense of taste but also our eternal soul.
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