Re:Verse reading–Psalm 34 (day one)
“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.” (vs 8) There are some things we must learn for ourselves. Like marriage. Listening to other people talk about marriage, attending weddings–nothing substitutes for the experience of living with/loving a spouse in covenant commitment to God. It is an experience! Living faith is similar. In today’s song, David urges all of us to “taste and see (for ourselves) that God is good.” Without personal experience a powerfully real relationship will be for us only superficial words. As Jesus told Nicodemus, “YOU (singular) must be born again” (John 3:7) None of us can be satisfied, or should, with the experience of others. We are to learn for ourselves what it means to take refuge in God. We are individuals. This by His sovereign choice. He, therefore, wants a relationship with us that is unique and real. He wants us to taste His goodness for ourselves.
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