Re:Verse reading–Psalm 22 (day one) “I will declare your name to my brothers. . .You who fear the Lord, praise him!. . .For he has not despised or disdained the suffering of the afflicted one.” (vs 22-24) Psalm 22 is a prediction of the cross. For 21 verses, in amazing detail, David narrates both his own troubles and a clear vision of Christ on the cross 1000 years later. It is impossible to read these verses and not be impressed with the exactness of his words. In vs 22, however, the mood suddenly shifts. From suffering to praise, from defeat to victory. It is a prophecy of the resurrection! In Philippians 2, the Bible says, “He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the cross. . .therefore God has highly exalted Him” (vs 8-9) The Christian faith rests on this confidence. We are to be faithful to Him in our sufferings. He will be faithful to us when they are over. Those who seek Him are promised a Psalm 22:22 life!
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