Re:Verse reading–Psalm 16 (day one)
“I said to the Lord; I have no good besides you. . .I have set the Lord continually before me. . .I will not be shaken.” (vs 2, 8) By single I do not mean unmarried. I mean single-minded–a heart that has resolved the question of priority, of value. David discovered this early in life. He concluded that God existed and deserved all of his attention. God became his criterion for “good”. God was the person he continually “set before” himself as an ambition or goal. The unexpected result? A deep sense of safety! Even in danger. Remember the encounter with Goliath? Remember the years David was unfairly treated by Saul? Would the same thing work for us? If we focused on God and set our hearts on Him as our only goal, would we experience the same sort of protection? Would we be able to look at the future with hope and not dread? Yes! Praise God, yes!
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