Re:Verse reading–Psalm 2, Psalm 110 (day seven)
“The Lord will extend your mighty scepter from Zion; you will rule in the midst of your enemies.” (110:2) It is a strange word to modern ears. Aggressive. Assertive. A God with a back-bone. Not apologizing to the human race for putting an end to its rebellion, for requiring respect and obedience, for using force. If people of the 1st century rejected the Messiah because He was not war-like, people of the 21st century do so because He is (or will be). Perhaps we need this reminder. The race of men is in active rebellion against God. His wrath is tempered with mercy (“not wishing any to perish”–2 Peter 3:9) but eventually He will act with great decisiveness to bring the rebellion to an end. “God has not given us a spirit of timidity” says 2 Timothy 1:7. It must be because He is not timid, Himself. I will see you in a few hours, dear friends.
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