The first preachers

RE Verse reading–Mark 15:40-47, Mark 16: 1-8 (day one)
“But go tell His disciples and Peter that He is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see Him, just as He told you.”  (16:7)  It was a loud, clear statement on the subject of equality.  The first people to carry the good news of Christ’s resurrection were women.  Unheard of in His day and not the first indication of Jesus’ view.  The Samaritan woman experienced respect from Jesus rather than condemnation (John 4).  Mary was encouraged to study the scripture along with the men (Luke 10).  Now, the Lord tasks these faithful women with a duty.  To these loyal souls, to these willing-to-brave-the-scorn-of-association-with-Christ people He says, “Go tell!” and then trusts them to act with the same sort of bravery that led them to the tomb in the first place.  Without an ounce of prejudice, the Lord gave an assignment to them and a lesson to us.  The first preachers of the Easter message were women.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

0 thoughts on “The first preachers”

  1. Referencing Mark 15:40-16:8
    In expectation of their own, the women expected to find the dead body of Jesus.
    Through revelation from the Lord, they received and believed the truth of the good news they were given.
    By faith they bore the truth of His resurrection.

    Without putting expectations in the God of our salvation, there is no hope! I Th. 4:13
    In receiving revelation from God, we then can believe and then we will see. Rom. 8:24-25
    Faith in God through Jesus, indeed bears out the truth of resurrection life in us to share “a living hope” with others who have no hope. I Pet. 1:3

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