Are We There Yet?

RE Verse reading–Mark 12:28-34 (day five)
As a child I asked this question a million times. As a parent I’ve answered this question a billion times. Jesus’ words to this religious leader in verse 34 of this passage are both encouraging (maybe the kindest words He ever spoke to any Pharisee- “You are not far from the Kingdom of God”) and haunting (He basically tells this man “You are not there yet”). My kids raise their version of this question often in reference to time. The follow up question is frequently “How much longer?” Entry into the Kingdom of God is not marked by time or location. Rather entry is indicated by a changed heart that demonstrates evidence of the Work of the Holy Spirit in reshaping our thoughts, attitudes, behaviors, motives, desires, passions, and so much more. (Galatians 5:22-23) Arrival and residence in God’s Kingdom will result in a new perspective and passion that seeks to trust, honor, and serve The King.

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Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

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