Honest Evaluation

RE Verse reading–Mark 7:1-23 (day two)
Mark chapter 7 is Jesus’ evaluation of the Tradition of the Elders. We tend to avoid evaluation at all costs. The cost of being stuck in tradition is challenged in Mark 7:8. Evaluation (the Work of the Holy Spirit- John 16) is a must for believers. Questions like “Why?”, “What if?”, Why Not?” often present unpopular responses that sometimes call for an uncomfortable direction. Some of the instruction I have received sounded like this: “Go talk to this person”, “Start a Bible Study group”, “Form friendships with someone not like you”, “Listen to their point of view (They may be right)”. Evaluation is most effective as a daily process that uses God’s Word as a mirror (James 1:22) and prayer as a intercom (Psalm 139:23-24). The last question (perhaps the most difficult) is “Will you?” (change, flex, start, stop, wait, forgive) The goal of the Christian Life and the WORK of the Holy Spirit is for us to be more like Jesus.

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Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

0 thoughts on “Honest Evaluation”

  1. Very helpful post, Scott, thanks!

    It actually inspired me to evaluate my life today. As I did I was able to solidify that the goal of my Christian life is to Worship/Know my God and in the process of that to allow Him to change me to look like Jesus…. to know that I am the temple of God and that His Spirit dwells within me…. and to listen to His voice so that I might do His Will which His heart whispers to me is still to seek and save the lost.

    May it be so, Father. Amen.

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