RE Verse reading–Mark 2:13-17 (day six)
“And He went out again by the seashore; and all the people were coming to Him, and He was teaching them. As He passed by, He saw Levi, the son of Alphaeus sitting in the tax booth.” (vs 13-14) It is a characteristic trait of Christ. He dealt with crowds and still noticed individuals. Even when days were packed with people and pressure, Jesus took time to notice the people who could use some extra attention. Had Levi signaled his interest by showing up whenever the Lord spoke? Did the Lord see the spiritual hunger in Levi’s eyes? We don’t know. What is clear from this story is that the Lord looked at huge crowds and saw individual needs. Do we? Do we notice the child who needs a little extra attention? Do we see the business man who is searching for light? May the Lord give us His eyes and His heart of love.
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Yes, Heavenly Father, may you give us Your eyes to see what we do not. We long to see You love this world through us…. we long to live a life of Love. I pray for the widows today and the orphans. For the lonely, broken-hearted, rejected, despised, persecuted, abused… for those who are afraid and in pain. I ask You to provide for them. I ask for You to protect them. I ask for you to call them to Yourself that they may find all that they need in You. My prayer is for their salvation. Thank you, Father. Amen.