RE Verse reading–Mark 1:16-18, 8:27-33, 14:26-31, 66-72, 16:5-7 (day four)
These verses give us a snapshot of Peter’s life and his interaction with the Savior. Some of the experiences were positive, some were negative. All of them served to teach and train Peter. Jesus had big plans for Peter…he was to become a fisher of men, a leader among the disciples, and a rock in the early church. Peter is deeply moved by each of these incidents. He was learning…he was being ‘sanctified’. Sanctification according to Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem is “a progressive work of God and man that makes us more and more free from sin and like Christ in our actual lives.” Question: Will we make mistakes? Yes! The real question is, ‘will we learn from our mistakes and grow more and more like Christ through our responses?’ Are you giving attention to sanctification in your life? Are you becoming more like Christ each day?
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