Re Verse reading Acts 28:17-31(day five). Acts 18:15 “At the sight of these people Paul thanked God and was encouraged.” Donald Whitney’s book 15 Questions to Diagnose Your Spiritual Health, poses the revealing question: “Do you delight in the Bride of Christ?” It’s a great question. Our relationship to The Church (The Bride of Christ) says more about our spiritual health than the health of the church. The scripture says Paul was encouraged by the presence of fellow Christians and gave thanks for them. “The closer you are to The Lord, the closer you will be to other believers” – Peter Jeffrey. Let’s pause this weekend and give thanks for the Body of Believers where God has placed us! Let’s pray for the ministries and members! Let’s look for opportunities to be an encouragement to our church! Whitney’s challenge is for us to find “irresistible joy in the presence and ministry of Christ’s people, both in congregational form and as individuals”.
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Many people say the choir blesses them. I can’t tell you how much it blesses the choir when we take our places and see the sanctuary full of our brothers and sisters ready to worship God. You encourage us. Thank you!