Sign of destruction

RE Verse reading–Acts 28:17-31 (day one)  “Boldly and without hindrance (akoluo) he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ”  (vs 31)  The Bible says a strange thing about the “confident Christian life”.  Philippians 1:28 says, “in no way alarmed by your opponents –which is a sign of destruction for them, but of salvation for you.”  What?  Believers who are filled with the Spirit experience an infinite supply of hope and joy.  Without taking any credit, we are not alarmed by our opponents.  Greater is He who is in us. . .  When non-believers see this LIFE, they are often angry or convicted that they are strangers to such hope.  LIFE, in this way, is a critique of world system and its failure to produce true righteousness.  This week our study is Acts 28.   The final word in the final chapter of this great book is akoluo, “unhindered, unrestrained, unconquered.”  Paul knew this LIFE.  It was (is) a gift from God and a sign of destruction for those who do not believe.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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