Songs at midnight

RE Verse reading–Acts 16:25-34, Acts 17:1-34  (day seven)  “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening”  (16:25)  Worship today at FBC (I will see you in a few hours) will be this same story, told three different ways.  In preparation for the Lord’s Supper (eucharist translates two greek words which mean “good gift”), we will think about the last night of Christ’s life.  Before going out to face his own unjust arrest and brutal death, He paused with his disciples to sing a hymn. Amazing!  It is the same attitude that Paul and Silas had.  Not prison nor ill treatment was enough to silence their song or make their hearts ungrateful.  It will be the same on Thursday (Thanksgiving).  Our pilgrims founders did not focus on their losses or suffering.  They marked the goodness of God and gathered for the purpose of giving Him thanks.  May the Lord teach us all this lesson of life!

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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