Gospel. Simple.

RE Verse reading–Acts 16:25-34, Acts 17:1-34 (day one)  “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved”  (16:31)  Dramatic story.  The Philippian jailer sees the power of God (in the prisoners’ joy as much as in the earthquake, I believe).  He asks for direction.  “What must I do to be saved (rescued)”?  Paul tells him 3 things.  They constitute a summary of God’s good news.  The action?  Believe!  People are saved by God as a free gift on the basis of FAITH.  The object?  The Lord Jesus!  Not just Jesus.  The LORD Jesus.  The one to whom every knee will eventually (and rightly) bow.  The movement?  INTO the Lord Jesus!  The greek word here is better translated “into”.  It is a word that describes movement from one location or state of being into another.  Only those who repent of their old life and move into Christ can be saved.  Great gospel!  Simple gospel.  May we be as ready to share it as Paul was.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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