RE Verse passage: Acts 15:1-29 (day five) It’s an old saying that many have come to appreciate. It’s a truth that has been proven to be full of wisdom. “Experience is the best teacher”. When I read the Re:Verse passage this week, I couldn’t help but be drawn to Peter’s words, “God, who knows the heart” (verse 8). Who better than Peter to utter these words. Remember the confronting “restoration” conversation with Jesus in John 21? Peter confesses with humility, passion, and certainty, “Lord, You know all things”. Peter came to know the reality of God’s power, sovereignty, and omniscience. It made an indelible mark in his soul that day and taught him a lifelong lesson. God continued to use that experience to encourage him as a leader and servant of the church. Thank You Lord, for the many lessons You teach through ALL our experiences!!
Guest Blogger: Scott Lane – Associate Pastor, Education, Students & Venture
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