Convincing our critics

RE Verse reading–Acts 11:1-26 (day one)  “When Peter went up to Jersualem, the circumcised believers criticized him, saying, ‘Why did you go to uncircumcised men and eat with them?’ ”  (vs2)  Predictable.  New things are hard.  People’s first reaction will be resistance (read criticism).  It happens.  Even to believers.  Peter is wise.  Without being defensive, he provides these brothers with information that will help them understand his behavior.  He does not argue.  He does not criticize them for criticizing him.  He simply reports His experience with God.  Vs.5–God gave me a vision.  Vs. 8–I resisted too (so I understand why you are hesitating)  Vs. 12–The Spirit told me to go.  Vs. 13–the men were waiting, reporting a vision of their own. Vs. 15–God gave them the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Vs. 16–It is consistent with the words of the Lord. Perhaps we would all do better with our critics if we learned from Peter.  “When they heard this, they were silenced”  (vs 18)

Editor’s note–Tuesday through Friday, this week and next, the everydayprayer blog will be authored by Josh Vaughan, Bryan Richardson, Larry Soape and Scott Lane.  I will be posting Monday and Saturday and Sunday.  Thanks gentlemen for your help!  Thank you blog-friends for your faithfulness!

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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