Teachers needed

RE Verse reading–Acts 8:26-40 (day five)  “Do you understand what you are reading?” Philip asked. “How can I, he said, “unless someone explains it to me?” (vs 30-31)  Part of God’s provision for our spiritual progress is people–people who have, themselves, been on a journey of spiritual discovery, who, therefore, can explain things to us.  It requires humility on our part–to accept help and to admit that we need it.  It also requires us to trust God to call and assign these people into service.  Recently, I have recognized a need for a new group of Bible teachers at FBC.  New people are joining and not all of them are finding their way into existing classes.  Know anyone who has the gifts/calling for such a service?  ” The Levites explained the Law to the people. . .They read from the book, from the Law of God, translating to give the sense so that they (the people) understood the reading”  (Nehemiah 8:7-8)  Teachers are needed!

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

0 thoughts on “Teachers needed”

  1. The Holy Spirit is the BEST TEACHER EVER! Praise be to God for teachers who acknowledge this and teach others to submit to The Spirit’s instruction.

    I remember the day the Lord spoke to my heart and said I should be asking questions way more than I do. I understood His desire to guide me into Truth and give me Wisdom…. Much more apparently than my desire to seek these things. My testimony since then is that He is faithful.

    We are studying Romans in my SS class. I began to ask the Lord about imparting gifts and why there are no evangelists/prophets in the church any more….people who can establish/equip others. My answer came yesterday. In response to my prayer complaining that I had no one to do this for me, He put me on the heart of an evangelist…. Who contacted me. I went to a service last night and the text was the exact text in Romans that I had been asking about. He explained things I did not understand and then laid hands on me to impart the things the Lord told him to. When he mentioned my most private secret…. Something the Lord showed me in prayer…. I stood in total amazement.

    I understand this will likely be censored. That is good. I cannot help but give testimony to the goodness of the Lord. I have been thinking of what to give you for pastor appreciation week. Now I know. In the name of Jesus I release to you every annointing I carry. If you will receive this by faith then it will be my free gift to you. May God continue to richly bless every aspect of your life.

    Father, I would prefer to do this in person but by faith I release every anointing I carry into the life of Don Guthrie. Thank you Father. May the knowledge of your Glory be ever increases

  2. Sorry for the typo. I am at tumbling lessons with the girls.

    You receive by faith and will have it but The Spirit will have to show you how this works/ how to use it. Submit and seek His leadership. He will Teach you. I am so excited for you and your church. God loves you deeply and has so much more for you. Thank you Father….. You are so Good!!

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