Devoted to prayer

RE Verse reading–Acts 6:1-7, 11:27-30 (day four)  “We. . . will devote ourselves to prayer and to the serving of the word” (6:4)  I do not believe what is often said about this verse–the suggestion that being “devoted to prayer” is a task unique to preachers.  “You guys work the food program.  We will pray and preach” is the implied translation of the Apostles words.  Perhaps we would accept this division of labor if this text were all we had.  The rest of the Bible, however, rings with the call to prayer for EVERY believer.  “Pray without ceasing”, says Paul to the Thessalonians. (1 Thessalonians 5:17)  “If my PEOPLE (not my preachers) will humble themselves and pray. . . Better to interpret the familiar words in Acts 6 as a commitment by preachers to pray (in preparation for their work of service) and all others to do the same.  No exemptions here.  Nothing else will prepare us for Spiritual service.  We are ALL to be devoted to prayer.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

0 thoughts on “Devoted to prayer”

  1. I am so thankful for your time of prayer that allowed the Lord to impress upon your heart the “If my people will humble themselves and pray” verse. Indeed He has been speaking to me of little else these past weeks…. not only me but also Pastors throughout this nation. It is truly what He is “saying” at this time to this nation.

    Maybe it is in response to the outcry of His people for help in this time of our nation…. I do not know. What I do know is that if we are not seeing His part being done, then maybe it is because we are not doing our part.

    He has been impressing on my heart so clearly this week what humbling myself is to look like. I am to humble myself not in relation to this world’s system, but in relation to Him. In utter dependence I am to come to Him with a heart/mind submitted to the fact that I am to be a living sacrifice for Him and am absolutely dependent upon Him to instruct me in how to partner with Him in what He desires to do in the world now. I hold issues before Him and rather than tell Him what to do… I wait on Him and let Him tell me what to do/say, etc. It is my testimony that He is more desirous than I in these situations.

    My heart has been troubled, ever since I listened to Pastor Richardson’s sermon, for the young man who inspired it… as well as for all the others in similar predicaments. My humble recommendation would be “humble yourself, son”…. your pride He will oppose and it will not work out well for you. How great it would be if the generations of America could be instructed in what this actually/practically means by those who have learned it/walk in it. May it be so, Father. Amen.

    BTW. A great place to start is to read the Psalms every day and pray/speak to the Lord any part that resonates with you. He will help you. (A really wise Pastor once taught me that).

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