Meeting resistance

RE Verse reading–Acts 4:5-31  (day four)  “Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain?  The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord and against his anointed”  (vs 25-26)  One thing is certain.  The gospel will meet resistance.  We should never be surprised or discouraged by this inevitable fact.  God’s plans will be opposed by political and spiritual forces.  Christians recognized this early.  In Psalm 2 they saw their own struggles.  When Herod and Pilate and the Gentiles (Romans) and the people of Israel conspired together against Christ, it was just the beginning of a conflict that continues to this day.   The world (as a whole) will always oppose the gospel.  To receive Christ as Lord is something that mankind is unwilling to do.  “We do not want this man to rule over us”  say the citizens in Jesus’ parable (Luke 19:14)  It is what the world has been saying all along.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

0 thoughts on “Meeting resistance”

  1. The world system is against Christ in us… if indeed He is in us… and thus if He is we have MUCH to rejoice about no matter what we face. However, many people really desire the world’s things (idols/lusts/passions/power/money/prestige/comfort, etc) and just want to add Christ on to their desires for this world and it’s “things”…. thus causing frustration when they cannot have both.

    We are to be in this world but not of this world… we are to let Jesus rule and reign in this life through us (ruling in the Kingdom looks like ruling over the darkness and serving/loving mankind… not ruling over mankind (Mark 10:42-43).

    My question is always when did the lost become our enemy? We do indeed have an enemy… theirs as well… it is just not them. I think too often we forget that we once said the very same thing the world now says. We gladly receive Mercy for ourselves but do not love it for others.

    I went to a dinner last night and someone I work with who opposes me regularly/deeply was in a tough situation. Someone else offered to help her out but she said, no thanks…. telling her I was there and that is as close as she can get to Jesus…. she would be okay. I see in the lost both a desire for/struggle against the Lord. Interesting…. I see that struggle in my own heart as well… it is just that I have the Spirit to help me and they do not.

    The Lord is asking me to go somewhere today I have not been in a while. There are a lot of unpleasant things I would rather do instead. However, as I reflected on this post it became clear that I am thinking of my own comfort/interests. I must lay that aside and be obedient…. letting Him be Lord…. it is my privilege to do so. May He forever be Praised!

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