A friend in need

RE Verse reading–Psalm 23, Psalm 27:1-5, Psalm 116:1-9, Matthew 6:25-33 ( day seven)  “For in the day of trouble, He will conceal me in His tabernacle”  (27:5)  Most of us have friends enough for the good times.  People with whom we share success and joyful moments.  Friends who stay loyal in the “day of trouble” are more rare.  David discovered that God was the second kind.  2 Samuel tells of a hard moment.  David had made serious mistakes.  His wounds were self-inflicted.  The consequences ahead looked serious.  When offered a choice, David still preferred God.  “Let us now fall into the hand of the Lord, for His mercies are great, but do not let me fall into the hand of man”  (2 Samuel 24:14)  Interesting insight.  Even when we have made mistakes, even when we have offended His law and He is entitled to be be harsh toward us, He is still the best friend we have.  He is generous in mercy. He is a friend in need.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

0 thoughts on “A friend in need”

  1. Amen. I had a unique opportunity this week to blog the gospel on a New Ager’s blog… she (a physician) asked for spiritual insight (no…. I do not follow her blog… randomly the Lord just led me to become aware of it). In the end, she “resonated”…whatever that means…. with the one who basically told her she was okay…. even in her sin. Reminds me of how often we really only want to be told what we are already thinking. Instead of remembering “faithful are the wounds of a friend” or “iron sharpens iron”, we really want to avoid this sort of thing even though it is God’s plan for our maturity.

    I have been challenged today that there really are only two options for how to live. Either I will Love God and love/serve others (a package deal apparently) or I will love and serve myself. That was truth I really needed to hear. I am excited about the possibilities the Lord will bring forth in my life as I submit to the Truth He is revealing. I could just say, well I am already doing that, but He made it clear today there are areas where that might not be true. I was challenged with the idea of making sure I weep where God would weep and rejoice only where God would rejoice (this would not include watching someone else stumble).

    What a great privilege to be a child of God!! and to know Jesus, the friend of sinners. Father, thank you.

  2. My friend, indeed; my counselor, my strength, my protector and generous provider, my Father, my family, my Lord and my God. Truly my all in all. What manner of love the Father has bestowed upon me that I should be called a child of God. !!!

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