RE Verse reading–Hosea 4:1-13b (day two) “Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children” (vs 6) Why would God warn? Anyone? Us? Speaking through Hosea, God say that He has a charge to bring against the people of Israel (vs 1) It is a legal word. A word threatening a law suit. Why? Why not just act? The answer is His love. Like a parent who wants his child to obey, like a friend who sees danger ahead, God is “patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9) As disturbing as it is to hear, as terrifying as it is to contemplate falling into the hands of the living God (Hebrews 10:31), the reason that God is willing to communicate warning is that He loves us! If He didn’t, He wouldn’t say anything at all.
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Praise be to God! All throughout the evening yesterday I kept thinking “that none should perish.” It is the name of a book I read many months ago on intercession. He talked about hearing the heartbeat of God and that it sounds like lub-dub…that none should perish…lub-dub…that none should perish…
I just kept “hearing” that heartbeat all last night. Apparently you are hearing the same thing.
We have lived in our current house for approx. 7 years. Even though there is a Jehovah’s witness church really close we have not once had them come to our house while we were home. After the Spirit prompted me last week, I prayed that He would send some to me that I might share Truth with them. It was just last week… and on Saturday three of them showed up… in the rain… at our house. I was steam cleaning my husband’s shower and so it took me a while to get to the door. I then went outside to talk to them. They acted completely shocked that someone would actually come out looking for them. I did not debate any truth with them, I just was kind/loving..I was not prompted to do anything else. God’s purposes (I think) are that now I have 3 people, representing 3 races and 3 generations that I can pray into the True Kingdom.
Father, may we constantly hear your heartbeat! Show us how to do this by submitting to Your leadership.
(p.s. I was thinking that if there was a “virtual wall” on the website that the lost could be posted on by first name or initials, the intercessors of the church could (at least I would) stand in the gap with the people of the church for the salvation of the lost. THAT NONE SHOULD PERISH.)