RE Verse reading–Matthew 28:16-20 (day five) “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (vs 18) Jesus Christ is the center of Christianity. In a complicated and hostile world, He is our only confidence. With eyes on Him, we experience progress and peace. With eyes are on ourselves, defeat and fear. Before the disciples were commissioned to reach the nations, Jesus directed their attention to Himself. His astounding claim was that all authority had been given to Him. Not only power, but permission to exercise it. On earth and in heaven too. Jesus believed that the Father had, as promised, “crowned Him with glory and honor” (Hebrews 2:9) If He had ever been a “candidate”, He was no longer. By decision and declaration of God the Father, the Son was now the legal owner and ruler of all things. To resist would be treason. Amazing! Before we hear the Great Commission, we must hear the Great Claim.
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