No Masks

Re:Verse reading–Matthew 6:1-18 (day four)  “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites” (vs 5)  Jesus is (always) concerned about people who wear masks.  His word was hypocrite.  (Hupo=under, krites=decisions)  A hypocrite is  a person whose real decisions and thoughts are covered, hidden (often even from themselves).  Religion can be such a mask, deeds to do or words to speak in order to “connect” with God without the painful work of being honest and present.  A prayer closet is the only cure.  No one present to distract you.  No thought that your words will manipulate God or hide the truth from Him.  Get alone and talk with Him! Use the Lord’s prayer as a guide!  Talk about His character and His will!  Talk about your needs and sins and fears!  Talk about the future!  Take time to listen!  The Lord really wants to know you.  He really wants you to know Him. Please take that mask off!

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

0 thoughts on “No Masks”

  1. Amen!

    I still remember so fondly the Godly wisdom spoken into my life by an amazing Pastor who first taught me to go through the Psalms and just give utterance back to God any scriptures that resonated with me (this is a great way to learn how to worship…see below). This same Pastor later taught me to pray in the format of the Lord’s prayer. These two things were so life-changing for me that it is breath-taking for me to reflect back on just how “lost” I used to be compared with how “found” I now am… truly with God ALL things are possible (if He can change me, He can change anyone). I am truly eternally grateful for that Pastor and God’s work through him that touched my life in such a profound way.

    From my own personal experience, I would also encourage each of us to worship Him. Jesus said in John 4: 23-24 “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.” God is seeking worshippers! Although there can be some fleshly resistance/uncomfortableness to this whole process at first, I guarantee that it is worth overcoming. I find it helpful to just try to focus on the Father (think about who He is… creator/sustainer/King of kings etc.) and then just give utterance (thoughts count… does not have to be out loud) to the attributes I know of Him. Honestly, you can have an amazing/pleasing to the Father worship time by just uttering one word over and over….. if it is truly coming from your heart every time you say it and you are “reaching out” in an effort to “touch/connect to Him.”

    I think often times we might not feel like we can do this because we do not see God correctly. We think only of his judgments or we are overwhelmed by our sense of inadequacy.

    I have found it helpful to reflect on the “love verses”, realizing that GOD IS LOVE…. so these must apply to Him.

    Instead of a list to be followed to improve myself, I think of it more like:

    My Father is patient, My Father is kind. My Father does not envy, My Father does not boast, My Father is not proud. My Father does not dishonor others, My Father is not self-seeking, My Father is not easily angered, My Father keeps no record of wrongs (once forgiven). My Father does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. My Father always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. My Father never fails.

    That is a Father that I can talk to/trust in…. and want to be like. Worship might look like “Father, you are patient and kind…. I thank you and praise you for that… etc. Worship until you “lose yourself/your problems”… and then just talk to Him.

    (Hope this helps someone.)

    Father would you help us know how to truly Worship you in Spirit and Truth? We want to please you, but are in great need of help. We cannot do this without You. Thank you, Father. Amen.

    -An intercessor with a passion to help others experience all the Father has provided for us.

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