Re:Verse reading – Matthew 1:18 – 2:15, 19-23 (day four)
What’s in a name? In this case, quite a lot! The name, “Jesus,” is the Greek form of another well known name, “Joshua.” Joshua means, “The Lord saves.” What’s in a name? In the name “Jesus,” we see a declaration of God’s salvation. The God who promised to “redeem Israel from all their sins” (Psalm 130:8) is bringing the long-hoped for salvation. But that’s not all. Do you remember the other famous “Joshua” in the Bible? God appointed Joshua to be the leader of the people of Israel who would defeat Israel’s enemies. God’s great promise to Joshua was “I will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9). In this Joshua, we see that God’s presence and God’s salvation go together. The same is true of the “Joshua” whom we remember at Christmas. What’s in a name? In the name “Jesus,” we have a constant reminder that God’s presence and salvation go together.
Josh Vaughan, Minister to Young Married Adults and Yes, Lord! Ministries, guest blogger
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My nephew’s name is Joshua — I am hoping and praying that his name means someday that God will save him.
How wonderful is this God? First Joshua, as a “type”, leading God’s People into the promised land. Then Jesus fulfilling the eternal covenant to do the same on a global scale. Both with the name that proclaims The Gospel truth–Yeweh saves. Halalu Ja!