Go Back Another Way….

Re:Verse reading – Matthew 2:12 (day four)
It is always intriguing to me that God would chose to send the Magi back “another way”.  This would probably mean traveling unfamiliar territory and some inconvenience for sure.  There are moments in my life when He decides “another way” is a better plan.  Those can be uncomfortable for sure.  I often ask teenagers, “Who gets to tell you what to do?”  Their response gives a glimpse into their relationship with God.  So, let me ask the question for all, “Who gets to tell us what to do?”  I want to be “tender and responsive” to the Spirit’s guiding.  This kind of “following” does require courage, humility, and faith.  It also requires accountability and dependence.  I’m asking God to keep growing those things in my heart and life so when “another way” is the direction, I’ll walk that way with joy.  Will you pray?  Will you walk?
Scott Lane, Associate Pastor for Students and Venture Sunday School, guest blogger.


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0 thoughts on “Go Back Another Way….”

  1. Great post! I was thinking yesterday as I was driving home that “the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away”… and IT IS ALL GOOD… because He is GOOD. It is only my limited perspective (and lack of trust) that prevents me from “seeing” this in every situation in my life. I join with you in praying for more of His perspective in my life. That I would see Him for who He is and me for who I am.

    Literally my first thought this morning upon waking was Ps 23:

    “The LORD is my shepherd,
    I shall not want.
    HE makes me lie down in green pastures;
    HE leads me beside quiet waters.
    HE restores my soul;
    HE guides me in the paths of righteousness
    For HIS name’s sake.

    Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
    I fear no evil, for YOU are with me;
    YOUR rod and YOUR staff, they comfort me.
    YOU prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
    YOU have anointed my head with oil;
    My cup overflows.
    Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life,
    And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.”

    What a comforting way to wake up! What a gift from God! As I meditated on HIM, I was able to get a better glimpse of that perspective.

    Praise be to God for this gift!

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