(Our reading this week is 2 Chronicles 34. Thanks for your dedication!) By the time Josiah became king of Judah the judgement of God was very near. Jeremiah had prophesied it. Nothing could save the nation from destruction. (Jeremiah 15:1) Much like we studied last week (Ahab story), God had “decreed destruction” against Jerusalem and would not change His mind. Even so, Josiah was determined to find what mercy from God was still available. Like the prodigal son, He accepted consequences (becoming a slave)but he still hoped for God’s help. So, for the sake of His nation, Josiah repented. He humbled himself. He wept before the Lord. He prayed. He gathered others to pray with him. And God heard him. I think we have much to learn from this good king. We, too, may have crossed the line of God’s irreversible judgement. It is NOT TOO LATE, however, to find His mercy. Today, as we pray “Father forgive us” may the Lord help us to truly mean it.
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