Give Us!

If the Jesus prayer begins in Adoration (Our Father, Thy Kingdom, Thy will), it moves eventually to Asking (Give us, Forgive us) and I am not sure which takes more faith.  Asking is hard for me.  It feels selfish.  It opens the possibility of rejection. So sometimes, I don’t (unless you count complaining and hoping that the Lord takes the hint). BIG MISTAKE!  Yesterday, I was driving home.  Traffic was stalled on 281.  I needed to change lanes for my exit.  Rather that “force my way” into some opening, I put on my blinker.  Ok, it’s a mild ask, but still an ask.  The result?  Some kind soul paused and let me move on.  It really does work! “If you being evil know how to give good gifts. . .how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him” (Matt.7:11)  Keep praying, dear friend.  We still have much to learn.

(re: post from Jan 12)

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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