“Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while.” (Mark 6:31) Holly and I will leave this morning for a few days away. I am grateful for the renewal that comes with rest. Vacations, for me, are closely connected to vocation. (to vacate means “to leave”, vocation comes from a word that means “to listen”) When I am away, like Elijah, my hope is to hear the “still, small voice” that it not heard in the wind or fire of normal life. (Read 1 Kings 19–one of my favorite scripture stories) As strange as it may sound, being away from you will not mean that I do not think of you. Actually, I will pray for you often , and with more insight. Thank you for the opportunity to be in your life. Thank you for your prayers on our behalf. I will see you after the 4th.
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