If prayer is an expression of helplessness (see yesterday’s blog), it is also an act of assertiveness. If it requires us to admit our weakness, it also, and at the same moment, insists that we recognize our strength, our standing with God,our opportunity to “use” our relationship with God for His purposes. Read Genesis 18. Notice how Abraham bargains with God for the salvation of the righteous. ” Will you spare the city for 50 righteous?” 40? 30? 20? 10? On and on he pushes the argument and each time God grants his request. It leads us to conclude that God, all along, was looking for an advocate, a human being bold enough to express God’s deepest intention (mercy). Prayer is service to others. Prayer is service to God. Will you pray today with all your strength? Will you believe God that He has made you His child and that you have influence before Him that should be used in His service?
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