“If you confess with your mouth Jesus as LORD and believe in your heart that God RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD, you will be saved”. (Romans 10:9) Apart from the resurrection, “Jesus is Lord” is an empty declaration. If He is not alive, Jesus CANNOT be our Lord. If He is alive He MUST be our Lord. The second petition of the Lord’s prayer is “Thy KINGDOM come”. It reminds us that Jesus is a King and that we are His loyal and grateful subjects. “The Kingdom of God is. . .righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit”. (Romans 14:17) As the grace of God increases in our hearts, so these Kingdom signs should grow more and more pronounced with each passing day. His Kingdom is not enforced with armies. It comes in the soul conquered by the Spirit of God. When we confess Him as Lord, we should pray for lives that show it.
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